[2017 New Dumps] 100% Pass Rate CCNA DCICT 200-155 Dumps Test Questions VCE&PDF With Youtube A High Score

What’s new in the Cisco 200-155 dumps exam? “Introducing Cisco Data Center Technologies” is the name of Cisco 200-155 exam dumps which covers all the knowledge points of the real Cisco exam. 100% pass rate CCNA DCICT 200-155 dumps test questions vce and pdf with youtube a high score. Pass4itsure Cisco 200-155 dumps exam questions answers are updated (85 Q&As) are verified by experts.

The associated certifications of 200-155 dumps is CCNA Data Center. However, the result always rely on the preparation of Cisco https://www.pass4itsure.com/200-155.html dumps exam.

Exam Code: 200-155
Exam Name: Introducing Cisco Data Center Technologies
Q&As: 85

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200-155 Dumps
Which of the following can be a purpose of an operation mode switch in an AS ABAP-based SAP system?
A. To change the monitoring behavior of the SAP system if the system is monitored with transaction RZ20
B. To switch the SAP system into maintenance mode
C. To synchronize the database with the local instance buffer
D. To enforce the reset of the shared memory areas by restarting the work processes
200-155 exam 
Correct Answer: A
The Oracle database offers different types of indexes.Which of the following are valid index types? (Choose two)
A. Bitmap index
B. Dictionary index
C. Unique master index
D. Balanced tree (B*tree) index
Correct Answer: AD
When installing an SAP ECC system (leaving all settings at default), which of the following ports are used? (Choose two)
A. Port 33$$ for communication with the ABAP message server, where $$ stands for the central instance number.
B. Port 5$$00 for HTTP communication with the Internet Communication Manager (ICM), where $ $ stands for the instance number.
C. Port 32$$ for communication with the ABAP dispatcher, where $$ stands for the instance number.
D. Port 36$$ for communication with the ABAP message server, where $$ stands for the central instance number.
200-155 dumps 
Correct Answer: CD
Which of the following are repository objects in an AS ABAP-based SAP system? (Choose two)
A. Buffers
B. Programs
C. Screens (dynpros)
D. Client-independent Customizing settings
Correct Answer: BC
What request types can be handled by the Internet Communication Manager (ICM)? (Choose three)
A. RFC requests from or to the ABAP stack
B. SMTP requests from or to the ABAP stack
C. HTTP requests for the SAP integrated ITS
D. HTTP requests for the Java stack in case of a dual stack system
E. Enqueue requests from or to the ABAP stack
200-155 pdf 
Correct Answer: BCD
You are running an AS ABAP-based SAP system. The SAP <SID> is set to LNX and the <SCHEMA- ID> is set to SR3.
Which of the following database users is created when the database and the SAP system are installed?
Correct Answer: A
Which of the following statements regarding post-installation activities for SAP ECC are correct? (Choose two)
A. An AS Java Add-in installation should be performed.
B. Additional space in the database is needed to generate ABAP loads of programs, function modules, and classes using transaction SGEN (SAP Load Generator).
C. The Transport Management System (TMS) should be configured.
D. The latest SAP Support Package level is included in the SAP ECC installation media. Only the SAP executables (kernel) and the database must be patched separately after the installation.
E. SAP recommends creating the first client after the installation using client copy profile SAP_ALL. The source client for the client copy should be client 066.
200-155 vce 
Correct Answer: BC
In Windows, the file MyNote.txt is deleted from C Drive and is automatically sent to the Recycle Bin. The long filename was MyNote.txt and the short filename was MYNOTE.TXT. When viewing the Recycle Bin with EnCase, how will the long filename and MyNote.txt and the short filename was MYNOTE.TXT?
A. MyNote.txt, CD0.txt
B. MyNote.txt, DC0.txt
C. MyNote.del, DC1.del
D. MyNote.del, DC0.del
Correct Answer: B
This question addresses the EnCase for Windows search process. If a target word is located in the unallocated space, and the word is fragmented between clusters 10 and 15, the search:
A. Will not find it because the letters of the keyword are not contiguous.
B. Will not find it because EnCase performs a physical search only.
C. Will find it because EnCase performs a logical search.
D. Will not find it unlessile slack?is checked on the search dialog box. Will not find it unless ?ile slack?is
checked on the search dialog box.
200-155 exam 
Correct Answer: A
A case file can contain ____ hard drive images?
A. 5
B. 1
C. any number of
D. 10
Correct Answer: C
RAM is tested during which phase of the power-up sequence?
B. After POST
C. During POST
D. None of the above.
200-155 dumps 
Correct Answer: C
If your customer complains that you made an error, you need to do the following:
A. If you are wrong, admit the error
B. Negotiate a satisfactory resolution
C. State solution and get agreement
D. Take action to implement a solution
E. All of the above
Correct Answer: E
Which type of monitoring focuses on the input or entrance criteria to a business process, for compliance to organizational policies?
A. Preventive Monitoring
B. Detective Monitoring
C. Management Monitoring
D. None of the above
200-155 pdf 
Correct Answer: A
Characteristics such as ‘product based’, ‘defect detection’, relates to:
A. Quality Assurance
B. Quality Control
C. Quality Improvement
Correct Answer: B
If the data in a pie chart represent five components of a total population and four of the five sections of the pie chart represent 5%, 25%, 50%, and 10% of the total population, what percentage of the total population is the fifth section?
A. 100%
B. 40%
C. 20%

D. 5%
E. None of the above
200-155 vce 
Correct Answer: E
One of the primary objectives of process control is to:
A. Reduce Variability
B. Increase Competition
C. Improve Metrics
D. Find Root Causes
Correct Answer: A
The Pareto analysis statistical quality tool is more commonly known as:
A. Fishbone Diagram
B. Run Chart
C. Scatter Diagram
D. 80 / 20 Rule
E. Tally Sheet
200-155 exam 
Correct Answer: D
A Standard states:
A. What
B. When
C. Where
D. Why
Correct Answer: A

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