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CheckPoint 156-210 exam sample questions can help candidates are more successful in job. Get high technical expertise and accelerated learning capacity, not simply the CheckPoint 156-210 questions and answers absence of quality and values exercise materials, they are watching for your reading in Flydumps CheckPoint 156-210 exam sample questions. Flydumps CheckPoint 156-210 exam sample questions are build for your practice of skills learned in the Adobe Certification for CheckPoint 156-210 training to answer difficult yet logical CheckPoint 156-210 questions.

What is the command that lists the interfaces to which VPN-1/FireWall-1 bound?
A. Fw ct1 iflist
B. Ifconfig a
C. Ifconfig \all
D. Netstat m
E. Cp bind all

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 84
Your customer has created a rule so that every time a user wants to go to Internet, that user must be authenticated. Which if the following is the best authentication method for roaming users, such as doctors updating patient records at various floor stations in a hospital?
A. Session
B. User
C. Client
D. Connection
E. None of the above.

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 85
Which command utility allows verification of the Security Policy installed on a firewall module?
A. Fw ct1 pstat.
B. Fw printlic.
C. Fw stat.
D. Fw ver.
E. Fw pol.

Correct Answer: C QUESTION 86
You are a firewall administrator with one Management Server managing 3 different Enforcement Modules. One of the Enforcement Modules does NOT show up in the dialog box when attempting to install a Security Policy. Which of the following is the most likely cause?
A. No master file was created.
B. License for multiple firewalls has expired.
C. The firewall has NOT been rebooted.
D. The firewall was NOT listed in the Install On column of the rule.
E. The firewall is listed as “Managed by another Management Module (external)” in the Workstation
Properties dialog box. Correct Answer: E QUESTION 87 In the Install On column of a rule, when you select a specific firewall object as the only configuration object, that rule is enforced on all firewalls with in the network, with related configurations.
A. True
B. False.

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 88
As an administrator, you want to force your users to authenticate. You have selected Client Authentication as your authentication scheme. Users will be using a Web browser to authenticate. On which TCP port will authentication be performed?
A. 23
B. 80
C. 259
D. 261
E. 900

Correct Answer: E QUESTION 89
Once installed the VPN-1/FireWall-1 NG resides directly below what layer of the TCP/IP stack?

A. Data
B. Transport
C. Physical
D. Application
E. Network

Correct Answer: E QUESTION 90
Client Authentication rules should be placed above the Stealth rule, so users can authenticate to the firewall.
A. True
B. False

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 91
The following rule base tells you any automatically created NAT rules have simply hidden but have not been deleted from the Rule Base.
A. True
B. False

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 92
You are using static Destination NAT. You have VPN-1/FireWall-1 NG running on Windows NT/Solaris platform. By default, routing occurs after the address translation when the packet is passing form the client towards the server.
A. True
B. False

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 93
Which if the following statements are FALSE?
A. Dynamic NAT cannot be used for protocols where the port number cannot be changed.
B. Dynamic NAT cannot be used when an external server must distinguish between clients bases on their IP addresses.
C. With Dynamic NAT, packet’s source port numbers are modified.
D. In Dynamic NAT, public internal addresses are hidden behind a single private external address using dynamically assigned port numbers to distinguish between them.
E. Dynamically assigned post numbers are used to distinguish between hidden private addresses.

Correct Answer: D QUESTION 94
When you modify a User Template, any users already operating under that template will be updates to the new template properties.
A. True
B. False

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 95
Installation time for creating network objects will decrease if you list machine names and IP addresses in the hosts files.
A. True
B. False

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 96
Consider the following network: No Original Packet Translated Packet Source Destination Service Source Destination Service The administrator wants to take all the local and DMZ hosts behind the gateway except the HTTP server The http server will be providing public services and must be accessible from Internet. Select the best NAT solution below that meets these requirements.
A. Use automatic NAT that creates a static NAT to the HTTP server.
B. To hide the private addresses set the address translation for Private Net.
C. To hide the private address set the address translation for
D. Use automatic NAT rule creation to hide NAT Local net and private Net.
E. Both A and D.

Correct Answer: E QUESTION 97
What NAT made is necessary if you want to start and HTTP session on a Reserved or Illegal IP address?
A. Static Source.
B. Static destination.
C. Dynamic
D. None of the above.

Correct Answer: B
With SecureUpdate you are able to: (Select all that apply)
A. Change Central Licenses to Local Licenses
B. Track current installed versions of Check Point and OPSEC products
C. Update Check Point and OPSEC software remotely from a central location
D. Centrally manage Licenses
E. Perform a new installation of VPN-1/FW-1 remotely

Correct Answer: BCD
Which is false about SIC communications?
A. A.VPN Certificates, such as those for IKE are used for secure communications
B. B.The Policy Editior initiates an SSL based connection with the Management Server
C. The Policy Editor must be defined as being authorised to use the Management Server
D. The Management Server verifies that the Clients IP address belongs to an authorised Policy Editor

Correct Answer: A
Within the Secure Internal Communications (SIC) framework the Management Server and Modules are identified by their SIC name. What is this commonly known as?
A. IP Address
B. Host Name
C. Friendly Name given by Administrator
D. Distinguished Name (DN)
E. Workstation Name
Correct Answer: D
You Enterprise Security Policy is made up of what? (Select all that apply)
A. Explicit rules created by the user
B. Implicit rules created by VPN-1/Firewall-1, and are derived from the security properties
C. something else
D. something else
E. something else
Correct Answer: AB
The ICA creates certificates for the VPN-1/FireWall-1 Modules and any other communicating component are created via initialization of the Policy Editor. The ICA creates, signs, and delivers a
certificate to the communicating component. When would the certificate become invalid? (Select all that apply)
A. If you rename the gateway
B. If you rename the rule base
C. When you Reset the ICA
D. Delete the Module object from the Policy Editor
E. something else

Correct Answer: CD
Doctors in your building want to be able to get access to files on an ftp server on the DMZ (there is a diagram in the exam). The doctors move around PC’s in the building, what is the best authentication scheme to use so they can access the FTP server?
A. Session
B. User
C. Reverse
D. Client

Correct Answer: B
User Authentication can be used to authenticate which services? (Select all that apply.)
Correct Answer: ACDE
When can Hide Mode not be used?
A. Where the port number cannot be changed
B. Where the port number can be changed
C. Where the external server must distinguish between clients based on their IP address
D. something else
Correct Answer: AC
What Implicit Rules are allowed by default in the Global Properties?
A. Accept RIP
B. Accept Firewall Control Connections
C. Accept Domain Name over UDP (Queries)
D. Accept ICMP Requests
E. Accept CPRID connections (SecureUpdate)
Correct Answer: BE QUESTION 107
What mode would you use to check if someone is pinging the firewall?
A. Security Log
B. Log Viewer
C. Active Connections
D. Accounting Log
E. Audit Log

Correct Answer: B
What is true of the Enforcement Module? (Select all that apply)
A. Usually installed on a multihomed machine
B. Manages logging
C. Is installed on a host enforcement point
D. Examines all communications according to a Enterprise Security Policy
E. Can provide authentication and Content Security features at the application level

Correct Answer: ACDE
Which is not a step in Session Authentication?
A. The user initiates a connection directly to the server.
B. The Session Authentication agent prompts the user for the authentication data and returns this
information to the Inspection Module.
C. If the authentication is successful, then the VPN-1/Firewall-1 NG module allows the connection to pass through the gateway, and continue to the target server.
D. The Session Authentication agent prompts the user for authentication data and returns this information to the Inspection Module.
E. The Session Authentication agent prompts the user for authentication data after a valid check of (something) and returns this information to the Inspection Module.

Correct Answer: E
What component of CheckPoint NG allows you to export Logs to an external program such as Access or Excel.
C. Logs cannot be exported to external programs.
Correct Answer: B
What is not a feature of the SVN Foundation.
A. Watch dog for critical services
B. Cpstart/CPstop
D. Check Point Registry

Correct Answer: C
What can NAT be performed on?
A. Domains, Networks & Workstations
B. Domains & Networks
C. Security Servers & Networks
D. Networks, Workstations, and IP ranges

Correct Answer: D
The system display status displays a firewall with “!”. What does this mean?
A. The firewall is defined as external
B. The firewall has been turned off
C. Nothing is wrong
D. The firewall is unprotected, no security policy is loaded
E. The module is problematic

Correct Answer: E
If you want a user to authenticate every time they use the internet what authentication scheme would you use?
A. User
B. Client
C. Session

Correct Answer: A

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