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The control capability of Cisco ACE module integrated hardware acceleration protocol-making its first appearance in the application and supply field, can provide which data center protocols with such functions as effective detection, filtering and repair? (Choose four)
B. rtsp
D. vtp
E. ftp

Correct Answer: ABCE Section: (none) Explanation
You are the network consultant from The Tech LTD You plan to implement migration from an unsecure HTTP transaction to a secure SSL transaction Which feature you will use?
A. IP uplink redirect
B. Fast redirect
C. redirect Rserver
D. HTTP header rewrite

Correct Answer: D Section: (none) Explanation
You are the network consultant from The Tech LTD. You should figure out two compression algorithms are supported by the Cisco ACE 4710 Appliance, they are? (Choose two.)
B. Bellman-Ford
C. gzip
D. DEFLATE “Pass Any Exam. Any Time.” – 24 Cisco 642-972: Practice Exam

Correct Answer: CD Section: (none) Explanation
Which specific functions does the Cisco ACE module provide in the application of reliability? (Choose three)
A. Multi-redundancy
B. Availability
C. Scalability
D. Complexity

Correct Answer: ABC Section: (none) Explanation Explanation/Reference:
You are the network consultant from The Tech LTD. There is a highly available production network that requires SLB, SSL offloading, and the preservation of the client IP without IP modifications to the current network, which Cisco ACE topology will bring the least amount of impact?
A. asymmetric mode
B. routed mode
C. transparent mode
D. bridged mode

Correct Answer: D Section: (none) Explanation
You are the network consultant from The Tech LTD. One of your clients ask you, after getting an SSL version 2/3 hybrid client hello, what will a Cisco ACE Module do?
A. no reply
B. reply version 2 server hello
C. reply version 3 server hello
D. replies with a connection-refused message

Correct Answer: C Section: (none) Explanation
Cisco WAAS Mobile provides industry-leading performance through extended Cisco WAAS acceleration technology, which specific characteristics are included? (Choose three)
A. High-level Data transmission compression
B. Applying specific acceleration
C. High-level security performance
D. Transmission Optimization

Correct Answer: ABD Section: (none) Explanation
You are the network consultant from The Tech LTD. You need help your customer migrate from a CSS to a Cisco ACE environment. And when you can find CSS conversion tool?
A. ACE Moduleconfig mode
B. ACE Applianceconfig mode
C. ACE Module HTTP status screen
D. ACE Appliance HTTP status screen

Correct Answer: D Section: (none) Explanation
You are the network consultant from The Tech LTD. One customer query you which two statements describe how a Cisco ACE Service Module maintains the health of a server farm. How about your answer? (Choose two.)
A. actively probes the servers using SNMP GET requests
B. actively probes the servers’ health using KAL-AP
C. allows cookies to be inserted in data streams to confirm connection response
D. actively opens an HTTP connection to the application to confirm status code

Correct Answer: AD Section: (none) Explanation
What are the main features and advantages that Cisco WAAS performs in the wide area network optimization? (Choose three)
A. Transport Flow Optimization (TFO) “Pass Any Exam. Any Time.” – 26 Cisco 642-972: Practice Exam
B. Data Redundancy Elimination (DRE)
C. Session-based auto-negotiation permanent compression support extra 10:1 compression at most.
D. Session-based auto-negotiation permanent compression support extra 5:1 compression at most.

Correct Answer: ABD Section: (none) Explanation
You are the network consultant from The Tech LTD. Please point out which statement about encryption is true?
A. SSL onlyuse asymmetric encryption.
B. Symmetric encryption uses different key
C. Symmetric keys are primarily used in creating digital signatures.
D. Asymmetric encryption is more processor-intensive than symmetric encryption.

Correct Answer: D Section: (none) Explanation
Explanation/Reference: QUESTION 80
When migrating from a CSS to a Cisco ACE appliance, you should review hardware resources and identify upgrades and configuration changes required for successful migration. Which of these identifies the benefits of doing so?
A. reduces the risks associated with a production migration
B. reduces the possibility of expensive,timE.consuming rework at a later date
C. strengthens the ability of your team to meet aggressive deployment schedules
D. reduces the possibility of downtime or other costly disruptions during migration

Correct Answer: A Section: (none) Explanation
What are the main features and advantages that Cisco WAAS performs in the Transparent integration? (Choose three)
A. WAAS protects all existing network services by network transparent performance
B. Modify clients, servers or applications automatically
C. WAAS devices can discover peer automatically and minimize the configuration work at large. “Pass Any Exam. Any Time.” – 27 Cisco 642-972: Practice Exam
D. There is no need to modify clients, servers or applications.

Correct Answer: ACD Section: (none) Explanation
You are the network consultant from The Tech LTD. Your customers ask you which three commanD.level actions can be defined by an administrator using rolE.based access control? (Choose three.)
A. Update
B. Create
C. Debug
D. Monitor

Correct Answer: BCD Section: (none) Explanation
You are the Cisco device provider. You have chance to introduce Cisco ACE Module to the IT manger from The Tech LTD. He asks you, which two features of the Cisco ACE Module differentiate it from the Cisco ACE 4710 Appliance? (Choose two.)
A. FTP compression coprocessor
B. dual network processors
C. Independant control and data planes
D. Ethernet communication channel

Correct Answer: BD Section: (none) Explanation
As a senior network engineer working in know the key features of many Cisco device. ln which of these situations is the Cisco ACE feature for HTTP header rewrite useful?
A. you must enable SSL client certificates
B. you must backup server for fault tolerance
C. you must change theRserver that receives a session without reproxying the connections
D. you must divert an unencrypted session to a server that listens only on an encrypted port “Pass Any Exam. Any Time.” – 28 Cisco 642-972: Practice Exam

Correct Answer: D Section: (none) Explanation
You work as a Cisco engineer in the data center of A potential customer casts doubt on this statement: “The data center lacks of agility will affect the ability of the business to react promptly to changing market conditions. In this case, what would be a first-step to response?
A. segment the network into a set of physical LAN and SAN islands that can be brought on line quickly when business conditions change
B. Consider a virtualization solution that will help reduce the number of physical switches, firewalls, and security appliances
C. Buildspare application silos that can be implemented quickly to meet changing business requirements
D. Propose a network-embedded application optimization solution so that business applications can react quickly to changing requirements without needing to change the main application on the server

Correct Answer: B Section: (none) Explanation
WCCPv2 is Web Cache Communications Protocol V2. WAAS is Wide Area Application Services. Why WAAS deployments need it?
A. Enable firewall transparency
B. EnableNetFlow data collection
C. Redirect traffic to a Cisco ACE Module
D. Intercept and redirect traffic to the WAE

Correct Answer: D Section: (none) Explanation
Explanation/Reference: QUESTION 87
In order to maximum the usage of the network in The network administrator plans to implement global loaD.balancing technology. Which Cisco ACE protocol communicates with the Cisco GSS to provide global loaD.balancing functionality?
B. gssp
C. SNMP “Pass Any Exam. Any Time.” – 29 Cisco 642-972: Practice Exam
D. rhi

Correct Answer: A Section: (none) Explanation
What advantages does the ACE module have in the application performance? (Choose four)
A. Offer the highest level performance from the fourth layer to the seventh in the industry.
B. Throughput is up to 16 Gbps
C. Each module support 345,000 connections per second.
D. Each modulesupport 355,000 connections per second.
E. Offer the highest performance and virtual geographical features, achieve applications and scalability of the largest number of users. F – Throughput is up to 18 Gbps

Correct Answer: ABCE Section: (none) Explanation

With complete study guide for the Cisco 642-972 Certification exam you will find questions and answers from previous exams as well as ones that our experts believe will be on the upcoming exams due to upgrades and new releases. This gives you the resources you actually need to pass the exam instead of just studying material without any knowledge of what might be on a test. If you want a career in the IT world, a certification is the only answer to ensure you get your dream job.

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